Binod Rokka

Senior Software Developer

Tell us a bit more about your role at DisplayNote

I work on the Montage team, so I’m usually working on tasks like webrtc, audio, video performance, SDK test, and usage. I enjoy the flexible working hours, resource availability, and cooperative team, leader, and heads of engineering/product/tech.

I usually start working later in the morning and finish later in the evening to sync with the team in different time zones.

What’s your greatest personal achievement during your time in the company?

Learning to work fully remotely has been a real achievement for me over the last year.

What can we find you doing outside of work?

Either music, repairing old stuff, or hiking/trekking.

You’re in your favorite coffee shop, what are you ordering?

A cappuccino.

It’s lunchtime and you’re at the deli. You have free reign to create your ultimate sandwich. What’s in it?

Egg, cheese, mayo, pickles, and lettuce.

You’ve been given a free holiday – where are you off to?

The beautiful Himalayas are nearby, so I’d go camping and take in the sights.

More of the Team

Alex Salmerón

Product Designer

Margaret Eaton

Accounts Assistant

Guillermo Cuenca (Cuenca)

Horizontal Web Lead

Jose Javier

Head of Engineering

A photo of team mates enjoying working together

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