Juan Garcia

Senior Software Engineer

Tell us a bit more about your role at DisplayNote

I started as an intern back in 2015, but I’m a Software Engineer on the DisplayNote product team. I’m involved in several areas of development from Devops to implementing new features and planning.

My favorite part of the job is when we release a new version of the product and see how customers use the new features.

What’s your greatest personal achievement during your time in the company?

My career development within the company.

What can we find you doing outside of work?

I like to go running and hiking in the mountains and spend time with my family and friends. I like traveling and exploring new cities, particularly trying new foods. I’m also a big fan of live music – so it’ll be good to get back to concerts again this year.

You’re in your favorite coffee shop, what are you ordering?

Expresso and sparkling water.

It’s lunchtime and you’re at the deli. You have free reign to create your ultimate sandwich. What’s in it?

Cured ham, cheese (from Castilla-La Mancha), olive oil, and tomato.

You’ve been given a free holiday – where are you off to?

Mountain holidays – Someday, I’d like to go to the Himalayas and do a tour near Everest. I also want to visit Peru to see Machu Picchu.

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angel planelles

Ángel Planelles

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A photo of Eddie Morgan enjoying a huge pizza

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A photo of team mates enjoying working together

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