angel planelles

Ángel Planelles

Systems Administrator

Tell us a bit more about your role at DisplayNote

Install, upgrade and monitor software and hardware. Also involved in data backup and recovery.

What’s your greatest personal achievement during your time in the company?

Family conciliation.

What can we find you doing outside of work?

Jogging and babysitting.

You’re in your favorite coffee shop, what are you ordering?

Espresso with a dash of milk.

It’s lunchtime and you’re at the deli. You have free reign to create your ultimate sandwich. What’s in it?

Something with sausage and tomato.

You’ve been given a free holiday – where are you off to?

A city adventure to Moscow.

More of the Team

A picture of Joe taking a selfie and smiling in front of a body of water. He's wearing black sunglasses and a white t-shirt. We can see landmarks in the distance which are reflected off the surface of the water. There's a blue sky with light wisps of white cloud.

Joe McCallion

Junior Software Engineer

Darryl Donnelly

Software Engineering Intern

Lianne Cassidy

Customer Success Manager

Binod Rokka

Senior Software Developer

A photo of team mates enjoying working together

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