How collaboration software can help you achieve more with less.
Most of us know the benefits of collaboration. Solid teamwork, expansion of skills, projects delivered on time, overall resulting in a more successful business.
Yet even with these extensive benefits, it usually comes down to the bottom line: the return on investment, when choosing to deploy a new solution.
So we’ll outline the three ways that a wireless presentation and collaboration solution can actually drive efficiencies within your organisation, on top of the benefits we’ve already mentioned.

Productivity savings
When it comes to meetings, executives consider 67% of them to be unproductive. This is due to a couple of reasons. Firstly, the inevitable delay before starting a meeting. Colleagues bring in the wrong adapter, the HDMI cable is broken, the wireless presentation dongle you did have goes walkabouts. Or what if you have a guest who wishes to contribute to the meeting and share content? Do you need to call IT, or ask your guest to download a piece of software, which they may not even have permission to download in the first place. The meeting is already starting late, which wastes precious time. This might not seem like a huge deal, your meeting starting 10 minutes late. But imagine this over the space of one year, one hundred meetings, and five people in each meeting. Suddenly that ten minutes becomes the equivalent to days!
Secondly, meetings are often not organised for the right reasons. Most meetings consist of people getting together, delegating work, and leaving the meeting to complete their role, in isolation. Meetings need to be a time of collaboration, of idea-sharing, and deepening knowledge. People should come out of meetings, feeling like they had a productive get together, and confident they can complete the job at hand. Wireless presentation solutions can help with both these issues. Everyone has first-hand insight on what has been done and what needs to be done.
Savings on technology
Mid-sized companies typically spend $13,100 per employee on IT, with large companies spending something similar – $11,580 per employee. Add this up over a medium/large business and it’s a considerable investment.
However this investment is necessary – your employees need the best tools to be productive and innovative and you’ll need them to get the most out of every tool they use.
These solutions also support the BYOD initiative. Staff can use any device of their choice, and they don’t have to purchase universal devices for everyone just to let them collaborate.
A by-product of deploying wireless presentation solutions into your meeting spaces, is that they enhance the investment made on technology. Firstly, they typically allow every user’s device to connect, cast their content and participate. Secondly, they make the screen in the room more than just a dumb piece of glass: it’s now more interactive and connected. Thirdly, if you already have computing power in the room, like a mini PC, deploying a software only version of a wireless presentation system makes that PC more connected and collaborative. A final benefit is that software-first wireless presentation means an end to those screen sharing solutions that need additional dongles.
Helpful tip – when researching wireless presentation solutions, think of the hardware that comes with them. For example, will wireless presentation dongles really save you money on equipment? What happens if they are misplaced, or break? What’s the impact of that across 100s of meeting spaces. You’ll have to pay more money to replace them – it’s something worth thinking about in the research stage.
Travel savings
The traditional office set up is slowly disappearing. Companies have offices and hubs scattered around their city, country or even across the world. They are also increasing their remote workforce.
This cultural shift is making the task of bringing people and ideas together even more difficult.
There are a number of video conferencing solutions in the market. But even though these exist, we still see travel. This is because people still travel to the office when they want to work on content together.
Luckily, there are some solutions that allow users to share content live into a meeting, no matter where they are, or what network they’re on. Better still, some can even work alongside your existing video conferencing solution, if you already have a tried and tested solution in place. This means that staff don’t necessarily have to travel to the office, whether that’s by car, train or plane, in order to have a productive meeting with their colleagues. This in itself saves money and drives efficiencies. It also means that office overheads are reduced; electricity, heating, internet usage – because less people need to be in the office to complete their roles. Research shows that if a typical business allowed employees to work from home, just half of the time, they would save on overhead costs . Check out our free, editable template for a business case for huddle rooms.
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