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Highlights from our employee Evolve event

DisplayNoteBlog Jun 6, 2024
By Jason Bell, Head of People Operations

The Idea Behind Evolve

At DisplayNote, we’re continuously building a strong, cohesive culture that aligns with our business goals and values. The idea for the Evolve event, was born out of a desire to bring our team together, especially following our recent acquisition by Volaris Group.

We chose the name “Evolve” to acknowledge our successes, failures, and subsequent learnings from the past 12 years of innovation, and to look ahead to our future, embracing the continuous growth, improvement and transformation that define us.

Behind the Scenes: Planning Evolve

The Evolve event was the result of an incredible team effort, all executed within a remarkably short lead time. From the moment the idea was conceived, a dedicated group of individuals sprang into action, focusing on every detail to ensure its success. This involved creating engaging workshop content that would be both informative and inspiring, handling the complex logistics of bringing together team members from our Murcia and Belfast offices, and crafting a unique brand design for the event that encapsulated our vision of continuous growth and transformation. The seamless coordination and hard work of this team truly made Evolve a memorable and impactful experience for everyone involved.

Experiencing Evolve

Touching down in Spain in May, the entire DisplayNote team gathered at our Murcia office. Following a warm welcome of hugs and handshakes, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement, and for the first time in a long while, our colleagues from both the Murcia and Belfast offices were in the same place. We were joined by key leaders of the Volaris Group, Rob Turner and Matt O’Donovan who were there to help build relationships, share insights, and further integrate us into the Volaris world.

The first day of the Evolve event was packed with workshops and events aimed at enhancing our understanding and capabilities. We started by diving deep into our Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG), ensuring everyone shared their ideas of our future and aligned with this ambitious vision. We reviewed employee survey results, giving us a clearer picture of our strengths and areas for improvement. We explored the potential of working with AI, evaluated our security posture, and got a crash course on key financial metrics essential for our business.

In the afternoon, we also ran two interactive workshops focused on innovation. These sessions were designed to spark creative thinking and encourage us to come up with new ideas to drive the company forward. The energy and enthusiasm in the room were palpable as teams brainstormed and presented their innovative solutions.

Day two, held in a beautiful resort outside Murcia, shifted focus towards understanding the Volaris backstory and ecosystem. Showcasing the vast opportunities, resources, and support available to us as part of the group. This session was incredibly insightful, highlighting how we can leverage these assets for our career development and business growth.

The day continued with a fun, interactive activity workshop delivered by our marketing team, followed by a quiz hosted by our CEO, Paul Brown. This not only tested our knowledge but also added an element of friendly competition and camaraderie. In the afternoon, we all took part in an Escape Box challenge, which was filled with lots of fun and laughter. It was a fantastic team-building exercise that brought everyone closer together.

As the event drew to a close, we enjoyed some downtime around the pool before heading out to enjoy some fantastic food together in celebration of our successes to date and raised a toast to the future. It was a night of reflection, joy, and anticipation for the exciting journey ahead.

Looking Ahead

Looking back on the event, I am personally filled with optimism for the future. Evolve not only helped us connect better as a team, but also provided a platform to voice our ideas and concerns. Our engagement with the Volaris representatives was particularly enlightening, and it was clear that their vision aligns closely with our goals. Moving forward, we are laser focused on building on the momentum from this event, implementing the ideas and solutions generated during the workshops.

Our aim is to create a work environment that truly embodies the values, opinions, and insights we shared, where everyone feels empowered and excited about the future. The Evolve event was just the beginning, and I am confident that, together, we will continue to evolve and achieve great things. By taking another step to further unify our culture across Murcia and Belfast, we have laid a strong foundation for a cohesive and collaborative future.

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