A man showing employees how to use a new piece of software

Getting it right from the start: Software onboarding and the important steps to remember

Lianne Cassidy Apr 18, 2023

There’s no need for us to preach to the choir, we know you know how important software onboarding is. Without it, software installation and deployment can be complex, hard to navigate and easy to miss. And while there isn’t a one size fits all structure for software onboarding, there are a few aspects it’s essential to have.

Integration, Customization, and other words ending in ‘tion

For the IT lead, any good onboarding will give you visibility of the tasks that need to be done before you begin setup and installation. Meaning Basic setup can be quick and painless and not a time-draining frustration where you have to step away and complete tasks after every section.

Good in-product onboarding with a clear journey map are brilliant ways to get the product off to a strong start.

And when you’re confident the product is configured and ready for use, you can turn your attention to the main act; user adoption and product engagement.

Two men taking part in a Launcher demo

Will they won’t they: User uptake and adoption

It’s crucial software is user-friendly and intuitive to use. Clean and simple interfaces with clear instructions gives a user the confidence to navigate and interact with solutions.

When it comes to training users on a new solution, a holistic method is best. Different learning styles and speeds will always effect the first impressions people have of a product. Staff that are rushed or not trained well, will see a new software solution as complex, intimidating and ultimately they’ll stick to what they know.

Offering practical training sessions, video content, written guides, Q&A sessions, and independent learning materials can ensure that everyone gets a chance to understand, adopt and take on a new software solution. The end goal is that users understand the solution and feel they can confidently adopt it into their work life.

This is where product onboarding and academy’s can really sell a solution. Most tech companies understand the importance of user uptake and adoption and will create their own training and promotion resources to make your life easier. And in times where two solutions can be so similar in functionality and features, a comprehensive onboarding can make a solution stand out.

Of course theorizing is one thing, why not take a look at our own software onboarding to see what we think are the best ways to support an easy setup and a strong user uptake.

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