Luke McSorley

Broadcast Product Manager

Tell us a bit more about your role at DisplayNote

I started as the main front-end developer on the DisplayNote project since then I was the Product Manager (or Product architect) for all DN products at the time. I’m now the Product Manager for Broadcast and program coordinator for the interns.

I work closely with Alex and Cuenca to make sure we deliver what we plan with Broadcast. I also work with David on the store, and more recently Pepe as he joined the backend team. On a typical day, I’ll have a call with someone to talk about Broadcast or offer support. I’ll then spend some time researching the next steps for Broadcast and ensuring we are going in the right direction.

My favorite part is talking to our customers to discover how we can develop the product to make their lives easier.

What’s your greatest personal achievement during your time in the company?

There has been a lot over the years. Seeing Classroom be a success was great. Getting to work closely with some of our partners like NEC and working with the Broadcast team to get the recent update out.

What can we find you doing outside of work?

I like to read, watch movies, play games, and go hiking…But nowadays, with two children under two, I’m usually parenting and trying to catch up on some much-needed sleep!

You’re in your favorite coffee shop, what are you ordering?

An Americano. But if I’m feeling like a treat, I’ll add a brownie and a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel with it.

It’s lunchtime and you’re at the deli. You have free reign to create your ultimate sandwich. What’s in it?

Salami, a pickle, lettuce, and mustard – all on a fresh white loaf with plenty of good butter.

You’ve been given a free holiday – where are you off to?

A city adventure to New York to see the sites, grab some good food, and enjoy some drinks in the city that never sleeps!

More of the Team

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Sarah Campbell

Marketing Campaign Manager

Maria Baños DisplayNote

Maria Baños

PeopleOps Business Partner

Álvaro Pérez

Software Developer

Rónán Logue

Customer Support Specialist

A photo of team mates enjoying working together

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