Sarah Campbell DisplayNote

Sarah Campbell

Marketing Campaign Manager

Tell us a bit more about your role at DisplayNote

I plan digital marketing campaigns across multiple channels, support marketing initiatives and optimise the DisplayNote marketing funnels to help improve performance.

What attracted you to working at DisplayNote?

I love working in the Tech world with software solutions.

You’re in your favorite coffee shop, what are you ordering?

Vanilla latte or if I really want lots of unnecessary calories a large Frappe!

What 3 words would your friends use to describe you?

I’m hoping that they would say friendly and supportive. If I had to guess though a lot of them would say I need to lower my ‘inside voice’ especially with a few cocktails in me!

You’ve been given a free holiday – where are you off to?

Italy – the most beautiful country in the world.

More of the Team

A photo of Jason Bell looking really cool in his leather jacket

Jason Bell

Head of People & Culture

angel planelles

Ángel Planelles

Systems Administrator

Enaut Manterola

Xamarin Developer

Alex Salmerón

Product Designer

A photo of team mates enjoying working together

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